
Autism-like features

Q: My son who is going to be 3 years old is perfectly alright physically and mentally and speaks very well but occationally he repeats everything we ask. He does not answer the question, instead he repeats whatever I ask. He has very good memory and is intelligent too.

A:Though your child seems to be normal, repeating what someone says and that too continuously, is more often than not a sign of autism. Since you say that he does not answer questions, instead repeats them in the same tone as you have said it, it will be worthwhile for you to notice some other signs that may be indicative of autism. For eg.,

  • Does he seem to "phase out" or "look through you" at times?
  • Does he seem to be obsessed with a particular toy or a particular activity for a long time?
  • Does he throw tantrums if his routine is disturbed?
  • Is he aversive to you trying to touch or hold him?
  • Does he sometimes seem as if he hasn't heard you?If one or more of these signs are visible in your child, you must consult a child psychologist as soon as possible.