
At what age do febrile convulsions in children phase out?

Dr Chandra M Gulhati
Editor, MIMS,
New Delhi

Q: At what age do febrile convulsions in children phase out? My son is 9 years old and had a febrile convulsion last when he was eight years old. He had his febrile convulsion when he was 11 months old and thereafter every year he had at least one - but all associated with fever except one occasion where there was doubt whether he had fever or not. He was put on Valparin Chrono for the past three years. The drugs have been stopped now for a year and he is under observation. He is active, alert and an intelligent student. His height is 4.2, weight is 42 kgs.

A:Generally febrile convulsions disappear as the age advances, say by 12 years of age at the most. The most important thing is to prevent such convulsions. If the child gets fever, it should be brought down by giving paracetamol (Crocin). Never use aspirin since it is not permitted in children below 12 years.