Asthma cure
Consultant Physician and Rheumatologist,
Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi
Q: What is the latest do we have in asthma treatment? Is there a breakthrough in this field. I have heard from a friend that in America there is a breakthrough in the field of allopathic medicine which cures asthma for life? Please bring me the latest on it and is there a permanent cure for Bronchial Asthma?
A:There is no cure for asthma (or most chronic diseases), but current treatment enables most patients to live a near-normal life. Advances in therapeutics will take years to develop and test, and thus no new agent of significance is immediately in sight.Innovative approaches will include immunological therapies, genetic manipulation, and improved uses of current immunological therapies (including anti-microbial agents). Alternative remedies (including psychological control, yoga, breathing exercises) are likely to become more popular.