Arthroscopy on both knees
Assistant Professor, Division of Orthopaedic Surgery,
Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center,
Q: My wife underwent arthroscopy on both knees in December 2001 but there has been no significant improvement. She continues to take Voveran SR on alternate days as she feels pain even after surgery. The growth of extra flesh around both knees is causing her great discomfort though she is able to walk reasonably freely. Her weight, which was 83 kg two years ago, has been brought down to 74 kg by observing diet control. She is also a patient of ulcerative colitis since 1978 and has been on Mesocol since then which has controlled the disease. We are much worried and look forward to recieving some remedial advice from you. Grateful if you could answer us soon.
A:It depends on the cause of the pain. If the symptoms are because of degenerative meniscus and it was removed during arthroscopy then the symptoms should subside. If, however, there is arthritis, which is likely, arthroscopy can be useful for sometime. In some patients it can work well for years while in others for months. If she has lots of symptoms and arthritis is evident on X-rays, she should consult an orthopaedic surgeon for other alternatives.