Head of the Department of Medicine and Chief of Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology Services,
All-India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi Consultant Rheumatologist, 'A&R Clinic'
Visiting Sr. Consultant, Rheumatologist, ISIC Superspeciality Hospital, New Delhi.
Q: My mother-in-law is suffering from arthritis. She suffers from pains in all joints including those in the skull, ankle, palm, hand and all other places. is there any remedy apart from PAIN KILLERS. All her bio chemical tests are NORMAL. Even the tests fro Rheumatism showed negative. Kindly advise. As her husband is a dialysis patient it is difficult for her to go for physiotherapy
A:It is important to understand that arthritis as suchis NOT a disease but only a symptom of some type ofjoint disease. The first step towards its propermanagement is, therefore, to correctly diagnose hercondition. As there are more than 100 types ofdifferent arthritides, she has to be clinicallyexamined in detail. Only then can a diagnosis be made.The treatment of most types of arthritis is fairlysimple and standard, but that cannot be prescribedunless she is properly diagnosed. Depending upon theexact disease that is causing arthritis - she would be prescribed medicines. Painkillers are absolutelyNOT the treatment for any form of arthritis. They areonly temporary measures till a correct diagnosis ismade and appropriate treatment is chalked out.My advice is that let her be examined by anyRHEUMATOLOGIST (Not orthopaedic surgeon), let her beproperly diagnosed so that correct treatment can bestarted.Qualified RHEUMATOLOGISTS are available in ApolloHospital, AIIMS Hospital and at the Indian SpinalInjuries Centre, Vasant Kunj (tel: 689-8448, 689-4884for appointment to see Dr. Sanjiv Kapoor, ConsultantRheumatologist).