
Are traces of blood in the urine normal?

Mahendra Bhandari
Professor of Urology, Director Clinical Research,
Henry Ford Hospital,
Detroit, USA

Q: Traces of blood are found in my urine for quite some time. The urologist advised me for an ultrasound scan, the result of which was normal. Then I underwent cystoscopy but the urinary bladder was normal. The urologist suspected it to be a urinary infection. After more than a year still traces of blood are found in my urine. Please advise me on this condition.

A:There has to be a cause of blood in your urine. It cannot be accepted as normal and your urologist has to exert and investigate you in detail. A serious attempt to find out the cause of blood in urine should be made.It is true that despite best efforts in about 10% of cases of bleeding we are not able to find the cause but the cause is found in due course of time. You have to go to the urologist as when you have bleeding.