
Are seizures in children curable?

Dr Anju Seth
Professor of Pediatrics,
LHMC, New Delhi

Q: My 4 years old son suffered seizures last night that lasted for two minutes. His right hand was moving up and down and he was semi-conscious. There was froth in his mouth and after the seizure ended, he did not move his right hand and right leg for a few minutes. For the last few months, he has also been complaining of headache. Twice he fell from the table and banged his head against the wall. Otherwise, he is a normal child with a sharp memory and plays well with his friends. When he was 10 months old, he suffered from febrile seizures and the doctors told us that this might continue up to 5 years of age. At that time, both of his hands were moving up and down, but this time only the right hand moved up down. What type of seizure is this and is this curable? What line of treatment should be undertaken?

A:Seizures in a child should never be ignored since they indicate an underlying problem in the brain. Your child must be shown to a paediatrician. The minimum investigations required include a CT scan brain and an EEG. He also needs to be started on treatment that will prevent more seizures from occurring.