Are precautions needed after kidney transplantation?
Consultant Nephrologist,
Q: My wife is having a kidney problem. By next month, the doctors plan to do kidney transplantation. Are precautions needed after the surgery? What should we do to keep the good health?
A:Most important precaution after receiving a kidney transplant is to remain compliant with immunosuppressive medication [prescribed to keep the transplanted kidney (called allograft) well functioning with minimal chances of rejection failure], regular periodic follow up with the kidney doctor needed to closely monitor the functioning of the allograft and also the blood levels of some of the immunosuppressive medications, and minimising exposure to common communicable diseases or the infections by maintenance of personal hygiene. Some of the basic measures undertaken to prevent infection are washing hands with soap and water, especially before preparing and eating meals and returning from outdoors; using tissues during coughing or sneezing and disposing them immediately in an appropriate manner; avoiding close contact with someone, whether in the house or from outside, who is known to have cold or signs and symptoms of respiratory tract infection; maintaining food hygiene and sanitation including cooking to proper temperature and proper storage and disposal especially during summer time.