
Are my kidneys damaged?

Dr Ashutosh Singh
Consultant Nephrologist,

Q: I am 37 years old. I was diagnosed with high BP (150/100) and subjected to tests. My cholesterol (250) and triglycerides (225) were found to be high. My albumin showed to be 80 mg/l. The doctor said that my kidneys are badly damaged. After taking medicines, my BP is now 130/80 and cholesterol is under control. I underwent two albumin tests, and the results showed it to be 8.5 mg/l on the first occasion and 3.70 mg/l on the second occasion. My urine routine test shows nil for all, except bile: absent/ pH 7.0, specific gravity: 1.005 and pus cells: 0-2 / hpf. My blood creatinine is 0.9 and urea is 21. I also got my urine (24 hours) tested, which showed microprotein 155.40 mg/l. Based on the above reports, I want to know if my kidneys are really damaged. What are the precautions I need to take?

A:Persistent presence of albumin (a type of protein) amounting to >30 mg in urine collected over 24 hours is an early marker of kidney disease. Review of your repeat urine studies quantifying albumin does not show significant albumin leakage in the urine, while you seem to have normal kidney function (based on normal serum creatinine value). Hence, you do not have an evidence of kidney disease though you are at a risk of developing it in view of risk factors such as hypertension and elevated cholesterol. Treatment should focus on strict blood pressure control with medications; leading a healthy lifestyle including low salt diet, consumption of green leafy vegetables / fruits and regular exercise and continued management of elevated cholesterol while undergoing periodic testing for significant albumin and / or protein in urine.