Are my daughter's gastric problems due to breast milk?
Assistant Commissioner (Child Health), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare,
Govternment of India
Q: My six-week-old daughter suffers from gas in the evenings, usually between 10 pm and 2 am. I do not have too much breast milk supply so I am substituting with formula milk. I am able to breast feed her only after every 6 hours and give her formula milk in between. My daughter does not sleep well at night due to gastric problems. She also passes green and yellow colour stools after breast-feed. Are her gastric problems due to breast milk? Should I give her only formula milk? For stomach pain, I give her Colimex, but only when she is extremely fussy. I also have gripe water at home, but am reluctant to give it to her even though my mother- in-law says that a mild dose of gripe water without alcohol is ok. Can I give gripe water to her?
A:Give her only breast milk. There is no such thing as not enough milk. The more you feed, the more milk your body will automatically produce. The problem is occurring because you are giving your baby your milk as well as formula- mixed feeding - the worst type of feeding. Only breast milk for the first six months of life is the best - the very best gift you can ever give your baby through out his/her life. It protects life long against a host of ailments. Please breast-feed exclusively.Your mother-in-law is right. Also Colimex drops only when the baby is very fussy is the right approach.Please breast-feed only, not even water for the first six months of life.