
Are my child's testes normal?

Dr Anju Seth
Professor of Pediatrics,
LHMC, New Delhi

Q: My eight months old baby was born premature on 10th day of the eighth month. Though he is fine otherwise, his testes are not in the sac. After sonography, the doctors told us that both his testes are good in size and would take time to go to their right place. Are my son's testes fine? Should we go for surgery or wait?

A:Very often the testes are retractile , i.e. they come down in the sac but go up again .These testes are often seen just above the scrotum on either side. The scrotum is well developed and the testis can be manually brought down into it, though they may go up again. Retractile testes are normal and nothing needs to be done. There is another situation where the testes are not present in the scrotum ever, and are neither seen above it. The scrotum is also under-developed. These testes are still in the abdomen. This may happen in a pre-term baby but should certainly have come down by now since your child is 8 months old. If they are still in the abdomen, hormonal therapy given by an experienced pediatrician is needed to bring them down.