
Are measles infectious during pregnancy?

Dr Pradeep Seth
Professor of Virology and Head, Department of Microbiology,
and In-charge HIV/AIDS Reference Centre (NACO),
A.I.I.M.S., New Delhi

Q: I am 5 months pregnant. My driver has developed measles. How long shall I ask him to take an off so that there are no chances of me catching it? I am rubella non-immune.

A:Though about 85 to 90% adults in India are immune to measles infection, your measles immune status can not be guaranteed. Measles is most infectious during its prodromal stage, that is before rashes appear. Firstly, who diagnosed measles infection of your driver?In case it is, I would suggest you to get your blood test done for the presence of measles antibodies. In case you have antibodies, you are okay. Your driver should not be driving your car until his rashes clear that is in about 2 weeks. When is your rubella antibody test done? You should have taken rubella vaccine!