
Are hyperacidity and vertigo related?

Dr M Sumra
Henry Ford Hospital,
Detroit, USA

Q: I am a 24 years old male. For the past two months, I have been suffering from hyperacidity and extreme dizziness. At times I feel very unstable, it becomes too hard for me to concentrate on my work and at other times, I find it hard even to stand or walk. I also sweat a lot. I have checked my blood pressure and got an MRI and audiometry tests done. All reports are normal but still I do feel some problems akin to that of vertigo. I have taken dosage of Stugeron and Vertin but it didn't help much. Now, the doctors have prescribed me anti-depressants like Pexep CR 12.5 for two months. Do you think anti-depressants would help me? Is there any relationship between hyperacidity and vertigo?

A:I cannot think of an obvious relationship between hyperacidity and vertigo. You have had a number of tests done which have all been normal; though that is reassuring, it doesn't answer why you are experiencing the symptoms that you are. A good way to proceed might be to find a good general medical doctor, who will take some time over your case. He/she should take a detailed account of your symptoms, perform a full examination, and review the tests you have had till date. They will then be in a good position to suggest the appropriate way to proceed. They will also take a look at the medications you have been prescribed and recommend any changes that might be needed. It can be very frustrating suffering from symptoms and not being able to quickly get an answer as to the cause; this is why it is important to find a doctor who will work with you to get to the bottom of it.