Are health drinks beneficial for kids?
Consultant Nutritionist and Fitness Trainer,
Texas, USA
Q: How good are the chocolate drinks like Bournvita, Milo, Nutramul, etc. for kids? Do they really stimulate growth?
A:When you give a child bournvita or milo, you achieve a few benefits: Make them drink milk, which they may not like plain. Bournvita/ Milo etc does lessen that agony to some extent. It makes the milk more palatable and gives it some flavour. Flavoured milk contains the same nine essential nutrients as white milk. Flavoured milk provides calcium, protein, vitamin D, vitamin A, vitamin B12, potassium, phosphorus, riboflavin and niacin. The nutritive benefits derived are largely from the nutrient content of the milk and not the added powder. In comparison, beverages like soda and fruit drinks provide little more than calories and sugar.Children who consume flavoured milk had higher total milk intakes when compared to non-consumers of flavoured milk. Children who drink flavoured milk consume fewer nutrient-void soft drinks and aerated beverages than children who don't drink flavoured milk. Children who consume chocolate or other flavoured milk have higher calcium intakes in comparison with children who do not consume flavoured milk.By encouraging flavoured milk consumption, you can help reverse the trend toward soft drink and aerated beverage consumption, which are crowding out more nutritious beverages like milk, and negatively impacting children's diet quality.However, such drinks can linger in kids’ mouths, the chocolately sugary ones may increase the risk of tooth decay. It is important not to add more sugar or create the taste an intensely sweetened beverage. So make sure they brush well.