Are electric blankets unhealthy?
Dr Bir Singh
Faculty Incharge,
Sex and Marriage Counselling Clinic
Co-ordinator, AIDS Education & Training Cell,
Professor of Community Medicine
AIIMS, New Delhi- 110029
Faculty Incharge,
Sex and Marriage Counselling Clinic
Co-ordinator, AIDS Education & Training Cell,
Professor of Community Medicine
AIIMS, New Delhi- 110029
Q: I am a 31 years old male belonging to the coldest place of Kashmir Valley. We use electric blanket to fight the cold. But somebody told me that it is not good to use electric blankets as you are not married yet and he didn’t explain it further. Kindly suggest me what to do. Are electric blankets unhealthy?
A:Electric blankets provide comfort and protection from cold. The temperature maintained by these blankets is not that high that will damage any system in the body. Please don't worry. As an evidence, you can ask your other friends/ relatives about this if they had experienced any problem with them.