
Anaemia during pregnancy

Q: During pregnancy, if hameoglobin level falls what kind of problems will the patient face?

A:Women often become anaemic during pregnancy because the demand for iron and other vitamins is increased. The mother must increase her production of red blood cells and, in addition, the fetus and placenta need their own supply of iron, which can only be obtained from the mother. Anaemia is more common in women who have pregnancies close together and also in women carrying twins or triplets. If the woman is otherwise healthy, she will rarely have any symptoms of anaemia unless her haemoglobin (red pigment) is below 8 grams per decilitre.The first symptoms will be tiredness and paleness, palpitations - the awareness of the heartbeat, breathlessness and dizziness can occur, though they are unusual. If the anaemia is severe (less than 6 grams of haemoglobin per decilitre of blood), it may cause chest pain (angina) or headaches. Patients with severe anaemia are more likely to delivery early and have small babies.Complications occuring due to severe anaemia are:

  • Repeated infections occur due to decreased resistance of the body to infections.
  • Preterm labour (labour starting before time). During labour severe anaemia may cause:
  • Excessive bleeding after delivery called post partum haemorrhage.
  • Sepsis may occur.
  • Failure of uterus to come back to normal size.
  • Failing of lactation may occur.Effect on baby Prematurity is commonly seen. Intra uterine death of the baby may occur.