
Am I taking the right medicines for osteoarthritis?

Dr Mathew Varghese
Head, Department of Orthopaedics,
St. Stephens Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: I am a 71 years old retired male suffering from osteoarthritis for the last 4-5 years and have taken various medicines for it. However, there hasn’t been much improvement. Currently, I am taking Xenobid, Defcort, Telma and Histac. Am I on the right mode of treatment?

A:At your age of 71 leading a retired life, you are bound to have osteoarthritis. However, you have not mentioned the joint that has been affected. You are taking anti-inflammatory drugs meant for swelling (XENOBID), a steroid anologue (Defcort), a blood pressure medicine (Telma) and a medicine reduce to acidity (Histac). Other than the blood pressure medicine, I am not sure if you need to take the other medicines unless you have symptoms of arthritis from before for which you need to take anti-inflammatory drugs along with steroids. Before you decide to continue these medicines, I recommend that you get yourself examined by a good internist (physician). You may just need to be on some exercises to keep yourself symptom free with only occasional use of analgesics like paracetamol. However, let your physician decide after examining you.