
Am I suffering from hypothyroidism?

Dr Smita Gupta
Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine,
Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism,
Southern Illinois University, USA

Q: I am a 25 years old female weighing 79 kg. I am suffering from irregular periods for the last five years. Before that it was absolutely regular. I feel lazy, tired, drowsy, disinterested in work and constipated. I have also gained a lot of weight I used to weigh 53 kg 11 years back, gained 11 kg and turned 64 kg eight years back, two years back I weighed 71 kg and now am 79 kg. My height is 157 cm. My belly is sagging and thighs are becoming fatter by the day. I underwent thyroid test, which showed some abnormal TSH levels. Am I suffering from hypothyroidism? To add, I take Ayurvedic medicines for simple illness like cold and fever.

A:Hypothyroidism is a condition in which there is an underproduction of thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormone has multiple function and has an effect on the metabolism of the body. Hypothyroid patients can experience weight gain, puffiness, fatigue, excessive sleepiness, constipation, depression, memory and concentration problems, dry skin and hair changes. However many of these symptoms are very non specific and may overlap with other diseases as well. To confirm the diagnosis it is important to corroborate it lab studies. Typically a hypothyroid patient will have an elevtaed level of TSH and low level of T4 and T3 hormone.Hypothyroidism would need lifelong treatment most of the time, but it is easily treated by thyroid hormone replacement taken once a day. The medication itself does not have any side effects and the doses can be easily adjusted based on blood test of above hormones.