
Am I suffering from herpes?

Dr Irwin Ziment
Professor of Medicine,
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA

Q: I had gathered information from certain health site that the following blood test throws more light on mouth ulcers/mouth herpes. I had got the test done as I have been haunted by mouth ulcers for past one year. The test results reads as follows: H.S.V. I & II IgG Ab: 74.90 RU/ml (ref range: >20 Positive) and HSV I & II IgM Ab: Negative. Can you please read the above results and inform me whether I have mouth herpes and if yes, what medication I need to take?

A:A positive blood test for herpes virus is not uncommon in normal adults and may be the result of a former minor infection which resolved without treatment. If there is no significant immunological disease - such as HIV or AIDS - the finding of an elevated titre in the blood is not of diagnostic significance. Mouth ulcers that recur are quite common, and they are difficult to explain. Presumably they result from a chronic viral infection in many cases but an auto-immune disorder could cause the condition. Small ulcers that heal on their own seem to have very low infectivity even for an intimate contact. Treatment with acyclovir can be tried, but in most cases the response is poor. There are no other well-established treatments, but good mouth care and dental care should be rigorously maintained.