Am I pregnant?
Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology,
University Technology Mara,
Q: I am a 34 years old woman suffering from irregular periods. I had my last menstrual period (LMP) two months back. I underwent follicular study and was injected hucog 5000 one and a half months back for rupturing. A month ago, I had a little bleeding and experienced slight pain in my abdomen. I started taking injection hucog 2000 for four days a week. Progesterone and folic acid continued along with it. The next day, I tested for HCG in blood which came out to be 29. Again, I tested for HCG the next day and it was 156.6. After a week, I went for an ultrasound to see the sac but it was not located anywhere. Next day, I did the home pregnancy test, which showed a faint second line but not very strong. Am I pregnant? Are there any abnormalities?
A:Yes. Go ahead with the scan and the treatment for conserving the pregnancy is correct- so go ahead- take rest, avoid sex, no weights / heavy work, and the progesterone support along with HCG till about 14-16 weeks. In addition you will later need to have tests to rule out Down's syndrome, like a triple test and a detailed scan.