
Am I on right treatment for body pain?

Prof. OP Garg
HOD & Senior Consultant Rheumatologist,
Dr. BL Kapur Hospital, New Delhi

Q: I am a 30 years old male suffering from body and joint pains with slight fever for the last one week. I took treatment thinking it to be a routine body pain. Then I underwent ASO titre test, which showed 400 IU/ml. My doctor has suggested Pentids-800 thrice daily for six months. Am I on right treatment for body pain?

A:The profile which you have given, it seems that you might have strptococcal infecrion, or simple viral infection. ASO titer at your age is non specific. Your doctor might be thinking about rheumatic fever, but you don't have that, hence you don't need the prolong course of penicilline, 07 days course which you have already taken is enough. If your aches and pains are still continuing, then meet rheumatologist to work out the exact cause of your problem. If you dont have any symptoms now, consider yourself cured, no need to continue any medication for raised ASO titer.