
Am I on right medication?

Prof Mini Sood
Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology,
University Technology Mara,

Q: I am 26 years old pregnant female. During my 47th day scan report, doctor found subchorionic haemorrhage in my uterus and advised to take susten 200. But I read in Internet that susten can have undesirable side effects on fetus like a female baby may suffer from hirsutism. So I just want to know can I continue this tablet or not.

A:A small dose of susten, when needed and indicated has to be taken, as in your case of subchorionic haemorrhage. When we talk of side effects, we mention the ones reported, but it does not mean that all get it. You need to be aware of the small risk, but not worry too much about it. Also I suggest you to not lift heavy weight, avoid sex and heavy physical work. Some rest till the repeat ultrasound shows the haematoma to be reducing in size, is advisable.