
Am I HIV positive or is it a fungal infection?

Dr LM Nath
Consultant, Community Medicine,
New Delhi

Q: I am very much ashamed of what all I did. Two months back I made a mistake. I had sex with a call girl. Although I used a condom, when I was about to ejaculate, I saw my condom fall. I got scared of HIV. After that nothing happened. I was living my normal life. I took HIV test which came out to be negative. I got relaxed. Then I did some oral sex with girls and my girlfriend for continuos 5-6 days (she sucked my penis). I observed a few red painless spots on the tip of my penis and rushed to the doctor again. Doctor asked me to take the VDRL test. That VDRL test came out to be non-reactive. Doctor says it seems like a fungal infection. Doctor gave me medicines (Zocon 150 mg, Gentalenet-C). The spots are reduced but have not been eradicated fully. Now, I have also got fungal infection on my tongue. I am still fearing myself to be HIV positive cause I've heard that fungal infection on tongue is the first symptom for HIV. I feel like killing myself. What should I do?

A:From your history, the fungal infection is not likely to be due to the effects of HIV. Such infections do not manifest within 2 months of first infection. If you are worried about HIV, please get an HIV test after one or two months. Generally it takes 3 months, sometimes a little longer, for the body to mount an anti-body response and show a positive test. Please do not put yourself at risk again. Remember the possible consequences and from now on restrict your sexual activities so that you do not put yourself at risk. If you must have penetrative sex, use a condom from beginning to end. Practice putting on the condom in the privacy of your room. Remember that even a properly used condom does not confer 100% protection, as your own example shows accidents can occur leaving you exposed to risk. Use a condom even for oral sex. Protect yourself, live a normal life and repeat the HIV test when sufficient time has elapsed. All other STI can be successfully treated by a competent doctor.