
Am I following the weight loss plan?

Dr Neesha Choksy
Consultant Nutritionist and Fitness Trainer,
Texas, USA

Q: Today is the fifth day of GM diet. I am not an employee of GM. I find it difficult to live the whole day on 6 tomatoes and a cup of rice. It's just 10.30 AM and I have already started feeling hungry. How will I spend the whole day?

A:Ask yourself if these diets actually deliver the promised results? Not only are you finding it difficult to cope up after completing your diet, will you be able to successfully maintain weight loss? Or will you promptly pile on the kilos at lightning speed? Instead of merely yielding short-term results through a fad diet like this, a correct and healthy diet programme should help you improve your habits, so you can lose weight and maintain the weight lost. Follow these simple guidelines:1. Focus on improving your dietary habits by having all nutrients in moderation. 2. Make sure you have a balanced diet. This ensures that you get your daily dose of minerals, vitamins, fibre, carbohydrate, protein and fat etc.3. Consult a qualified dietician to work out a diet plan tailor-made to suit your lifestyle, body type and health condition. 4. Exercise regularly.