Am I doing the right exercises for treating backache?
Counsellor, Psychotherapist & Wellness expert,
Q: I am a 40 years old male suffering from lower back pain for the last eight years. The problem occurs only for a few days in a year. I have consulted a doctor, who advised back strengthening exercises like raising a leg up to around 30 degree, holding it for 30 seconds, then the second leg and then both the leg while lying down on my back. Then the process has to be repeated by lying down on the stomach. But another doctor told me to do the same but only while lying on the stomach. What should I do?
A:The exercises you have described here are back strengthening exercises, which will help. You can also do some back muscle-stretching exercises:Lie on back and fold your knee into your chest by holding on to the leg just below the knee. Pull it gently into the chest while the other leg lies out straight in front. Hold for a few seconds and the change legs.The Orthopaedic Surgeon may have said that lying on your stomach while doing the same exercise may be too difficult for you and that may also increase the strain on your back. If you are comfortable doing the exercises, you may continue. But lying on your stomach, do only one leg at a time, do not do both together.