
Am I correctly managing my diabetes?

Dr Smita Gupta
Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine,
Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism,
Southern Illinois University, USA

Q: I am a 29 years old diabetic woman weighing 110 kg and my height is 4.11 feet. My fasting glucose level is 324 mg/dl, PP – 416 mg/dl, glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) - 12.0 u/l. Urine examination showed - glucose - present 4+ (GT; 2.0 g/dl). I have a problem of frequent urination too. The doctor prescribed Glypride and Glyciphage. I have been taking these medicines for the past two days only. I am exercising regularly now to help the level come down. I do not want to take insulin. Are these medicines correct? I will work hard on my weight as I understand the repercussions. Please advise.

A:When a person presents with symptoms of diabetes like weight loss, frequent urination and increased thirst with very high blood sugars, it is recommended to start treatment initially with insulin and later as the blood sugars start coming down, to switch to oral pills if possible.

Your case seems to be similar since you started having symptoms of frequent urination which led to the diagnosis of diabetes and your blood sugars and HbA1 C were very high on initial testing. My advice would be to initiate insulin at this time rather than tablets.

In addition with you being young, non obese and presenting with very high blood sugars, you should be tested for diabetes mellitus type 1, which is completely insulin dependent.

A consultation with an endocrinologist is highly recommended.