
Am I allergic to metal bangles?

Prof (Dr) DM Thappa
Associate Professor and Head,
Dermatology and STD Department, JIPMER,

Q: I have been wearing black metal and other metal bangles on my wrists right from the beginning. Since the last 15-20 days I have lots of itching on my wrists and on the back of my neck and ears. Is it due to the bangles? Due to a lot of itching, I have developed redness and rashes on my hands and neck and my skin is getting darkened in these areas. Please help me. Is it due to dryness? I use Vaseline milk body lotion on my body.

A:You are probably allergic to these metal bangles. The best way at the moment for you is to either wear silver or gold (ideally) bangles, ear rings, and necklaces. Anytime, you will be thinking of using them again, you are likely to invite trouble again. Most likely you are having nickel allergy. Nickel is coated on most of these metal bangles. Diagnosis can be confirmed by doing patch testing with patch test antigens including your bangles, ear ring and necklace material. Treatment, first and foremost is avoidance of metal bangles and switch over to gold bangles only, or alternatively pure silver bangles. Apply topically, Diprovate plain cream twice daily for 10 days or so to the affected areas and to control itching take one tablet of Cetzine 10 mg daily at night time and let me know the progress if possible. You may consult a dermatologist in your locality for further information.