
Allergy to cold

Dr Lawrence Youlten
Department of Allergy,
Addenbrookes, Cambridge

Q: I have a regular problem in my throat. If I drink cold water or I take icecream, my throat immediately chokes and cough also starts. If this throat remains choked for 2-3 days, my body temperature starts rising and become 99-100°F. And I feel weakness also. I have this problem from 2-3 years back. Please help.

A:The problem you have with cold drinks and ice cream is probably related to a condition seen in colder climates as cold-induced urticaria or nettle-rash, in which patients develop swelling and itching at sites on the skin which get cold. It can also, as in your case, affect other tissues, such as the throat. Avoidance is the only way to deal with this, unless you want to see if anti-histamines taken before ice cream or cold drinks can prevent the symptoms, which are generally short-lived, disappearing as soon as the tissue temperature returns to normal. Sometimes this condition runs in families. It is not usually dangerous unless it affects patients swimming in cold water.