Advances in diabetes treatment
Department of Endocrinology & Metabolism,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi
Q: I am 22 years old typeI diabetic for the last three years and take Human Mixtard 50-50 twice a day. I try to maintain diet control as well as taking my shots at the sametime daily. I have not been able to secure a good job in a good Hotel inspite of my doing my Hotel Mangement aand Catering Technology Diploma because of diabetes,just because of diabetes. Please let me know the advances made in diabetes treatment so that type I diabetics do not have to prick themselves twice a day. Is there any chance of a cure by way of transplant or something? Anxiously awaiting reply, Bhisham C
A:Advances in insulin delivery system are:A. Good and almost painless 31 G needles are available for injection. Insulin pens are available.B. Inhalable insulin is likely to be available in one and a half years.C. Oral insulin pills may take 5-6 years.D. Pancreas transplant is still in experimental stages and not likely to be available for 5-10 years to avoid graft rejection.