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World Sight Day 2023: Importance Of Early Detection & Treatment For Childhood Vision Problems

World Sight Day 2023: Optometrists and ophthalmologists properly check the vision, alignment of eyes and overall eye health of your child.

World Sight Day 2023: First eye examination should be performed by the attending paediatrician at birth

Early detection and treatment of vision problems is very crucial for the overall well-being and development of the children. Some diseases are treatable at young age only and if untreated, may lead to permanent visual problems which last throughout the life. The early correction is crucial for the critical developmental milestones for the child. Untreated visual issues may lead to limited social interactions, poor academic performance & low self-esteem. 

Children may not be able to state their symptoms as they may think that their view of their surroundings is normal, unless they compare it with their peers. Hence actively looking for signs is very crucial for parents and guardians. 

•    Frequent rubbing of eyes
•    Turning or tilting head to one side while looking
•    Holding books or toys very close to their face
•    Difficulty in hand-eye coordination during outdoor playtime
•    Difficulty in seeing the board in classroom
•    Unable to differentiate between colours
•    Covering one eye repeatedly
•    Intermittent of persistent deviation of eye 
•    Headache or eye pain after visual tasks
•    Repeated rapid movement of eye to one side

Childhood / congenital cataracts, squints and refractive errors, if untreated, may lead to amblyopia or lazy eye which cannot be improved once the child grows up. One should get the child's eyes checked every year. Optometrists and ophthalmologists properly check the vision, alignment of eyes and overall eye health.

Here's a guideline on child's eye examination:

  1. First eye examination should be performed by the attending paediatrician at birth and should be referred to paediatric ophthalmologist in case anything is amiss.
  2. Second eye examination should be done between 6 months to one year of age. However, in case of persistent watering from eyes, one should consult a oculoplasty surgeon.
  3. Pre-school children between 3 and 5 years of age should be examined every year
  4. School years annual eye check-up should be performed at the eye OPDs apart from the routine school health check-ups.
  5. Family history in cases of family history of eye problems like glaucoma, or other high-risk cases, more frequent eye check ups are required. Be sure to mention the history to your eye surgeon.

Early detection and prevention or treatment protects the child's eye sight through life.

(Dr. Udbhav Dorwal, Associate Director & Clinical Coordinator, Eye Care / Ophthalmology, Max Multi Speciality Center, Noida)

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