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Can Wearing Spectacles For Long Periods Cause Marks And Pigmentation? Here's What To Do About It

Gently massage the area once in 30-40 mins to relieve the pressure and improve blood circulation locally. Read on to find out other ways to improve it.

Taking a break time-to-time from your glasses can help reduce marks and other issues

For most of you using spectacles, the mark left behind on your nose can be a major concern.

Did you know, if proper measures are not taken and if the mark is not addressed on time it can become a permanent one?

You might not want to use contact lenses every day. Spectacles might be an easy option, but how can you escape from the mark left behind due to the prolonged use of spectacles?

These marks happen because the weight of the from putting pressure on nose bridges, causing friction and occluding the area.

Because of constant friction and occlusion, there will be increased pigmentation & textural variation like the skin becoming rough and having small bumps.

Do not worry, you can avoid spectacle marks by making a few changes in your routine and by seeking timely treatment!

Some of the things you can do to minimise this are:

1) Using lightweight frames as the pressure would be much lesser on the nose. Or using the featherlight frameless spectacles.

2) Avoid silicon nose pads that can occlude and adhere to the area more. Opt for frames with inbuilt nose bridges as they do not stick onto the skin as much as the silicon pads

3) Wipe the nose area clean as marks are more prone to form when the skin oils, dust, gets in contact with the nose pads and cause more occlusion.

4) Gently massage the area once in 30-40 mins to relieve the pressure and improve blood circulation locally.

5) Try and use contact lenses to avoid friction and pressure of spectacles.

6) Go for a vision corrective surgery (like LASIK ) where you will not need spectacles or lenses anymore. Consult your Ophthalmologist to find out if you are the right candidate for this.

Can home remedies work on these marks?

These pigmentations are permanent. No amount of potato, tomato, or cucumber rubbing will take away the marks once formed. Do not delay your consultation waiting for results from home remedies. They don't work.

Depigmenting creams containing kojic acid, Arbutin, azelic acid, vitamin c, exfoliants, retinol-based creams as a part of your skincare routine can help as home care (consult your dermatologist to set up a good personalised skincare routine)

In-clinic chemical peels which contain exfoliating and depigmenting ingredients & laser treatments like q switch laser can help in reducing the intensity of the pigmentation.

Seek expert advice rather than trying to treat concerns by yourself. This will not just come along with side effects but also waste a lot of time waiting for results and worsen the problem in the meantime.

Content By: Dr. Priyanka Reddy, founder, and chief dermatologist at DNA Skin Clinic

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