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Easy Tips From A Nutritionist To Help Parents Minimise Kids’ Screen Time During Meals

Lovneet Batra has shared her personal experiences and effective tactics for harmonising mealtime and screen time.

The nutritionist offers even more solutions to minimize screen time during meals

With the growing dependence on technology, parents around the world are increasingly concerned about their children's screen time. While parents strive to create healthy habits, it's common for kids to choose watching TV, playing video games, or scrolling through tablets over other activities – especially during mealtime. This behaviour negatively impacts their well-being, making it essential for parents to balance technology use with healthy eating habits. Fortunately, nutritionist Lovneet Batra is offering a few practical strategies to help parents tackle this challenge. In a recent Instagram video, the nutritionist has shared her personal experiences and effective tactics for harmonising mealtime and screen time. “Parents pay attention! Our kids are glued to their screen and that's not where we'd like them last seen. How to tackle this wisely? Well we ought to do it together. Here I share a #personalstory with some unique play-time know-hows that'll help you harmonise the meal time and screen time of your kids.” she writes.

A post shared by Lovneet Batra (@lovneetb)

She says in the video, “As a mother, I'm really concerned about screen time for my child, especially during meal timings, and I know many parents are. But what to do about it? We all lead by example. So we do have to be very careful about our own screen time around kids, and especially during our meals, right? Because they will mimic what we are doing.”

She also offers practical examples to keep children engaged during mealtime. “I think it's also very important to keep them engaged,” she says. “Like, I keep this puzzle for my son when he's eating, and he is very engaged with the puzzle and not asking for screens.”

The nutritionist offers even more solutions to minimize screen time during meals. “I also try to keep stories around vegetables and fruits so that he feels that there's a story to this activity, or making him more engaged in terms of decision making, like what colour plate he wants to eat on or what colour vegetables or fruit he would like to have for that meal. And it makes all the difference,” she says. “I think introducing a small ritual, like saying a small thank you before the meal or sharing a happy moment from the day, can also be very useful. And you'd be surprised that how using these small tactics can take all the attention away from screens,” she concludes.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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