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Osteoporosis: Know Your Risk; How To Best Manage Osteoporosis

Managing osteoporosis is a multifactorial issue. The treatment for osteoporosis is still evolving therefore more and more doctors are trying to improve the treatment.

Osteoporosis can increase the risk of fracture

World Osteoporosis Day is observed on October 20 every year to create awareness about the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a condition in which the bones become weak and brittle. The density of the bone decreases. Osteoporosis increases the risk of fracture post minor incidents like sometimes even a cough or a sneeze can result in a break. This year on world osteoporosis day, Dr. D D Tanna, an orthopoedic surgeon from Mumbai, explained the risk factors, prevention steps, treatment and much more about osteoporosis. 

Who is at the risk of osteoporosis?

Mainly ladies after menopause, mostly those who did not perform some exercises in their youth or had undergone many pregnancies. Some young girls obsessed with being a size 0 figure who end up depriving themselves of adequate nutrition are also at a higher risk. Other factors like improper exercise and diet also put people at a higher risk.

What are the factors which can increase the risk of osteoporosis?

There are many factors which can put an individual at a higher risk of osteoporosis. Some of these may include-

Intake of cortisone drugs which are consumed for an illness like asthma, breathing dysfunction and many allergic conditions which does not respond to other drugs. All doctors are aware of this, but since it is the only drug which can improve life of those affected by these diseases, so it is like barter of future for present. 

Other factors include- sedentary lifestyle, obesity, unbalance diet, to some extent tobacco use, all these can increase chances of osteoporosis. 

The extent and cause of osteoporosis can be found out by blood test of Vitamin D3 estimation and calcium. Bone dosimetry is done to judge the extent of the osteoporosis and to rule out other diseases like diabetes, kidney problem and PTH (parathyroid function)."

Dr. D D Tanna

Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai

Treatment for osteoporosis

Managing osteoporosis is a multifactorial issue. The treatment for osteoporosis is still evolving therefore more and more doctors are trying to improve the treatment. So, the treatment that existed 15 years back or 5 to 7 years back or today and possibly in future will be different as this is a continuous change in the treatment.

Treatment today consists of the following steps-

  1. Finding out the cause and extent of osteoporosis

This is done by blood test of Vitamin D3 estimation and calcium. Bone dosimetry is done to judge the extent of the osteoporosis and to rule out other diseases like diabetes, kidney problem and PTH (parathyroid function).

Treatment with calcium and vitamin D3 is necessary if the pathology test indicates diminished vitamin D3. Weight bearing exercises and correction of diabetes, obesity etc. will be helpful to fight the condition effectively.

  1. Drugs used for osteoporosis

Appropriate medication is given to the patient to control the different complications of osteoporosis. As advised by the doctor the patient has to undergo the required treatment for the suggested time.

How to manage osteoporosis?

Some simple modifications can help in managing osteoporosis effectively. These modifications can reduce the adverse effect of osteoporosis. Some of the tips which can make it easy to manage osteoporosis may include-

  1. One can make dietary changes by adding milk or milk products to their diet as they contain good calcium which is beneficial for better bone health.
  2. Along with calcium, vitamin D should be consumed in optimum quantity for better absorption of calcium form diet consumed.
  3. Exercise plays an important part in everyone's role. Walking for around 30 minutes is the simplest exercise which almost everyone can do. But some spot exercises of moving all joints repeatedly and use of dumbbells for upper extremity are very useful.  
  4. More so these exercises should be done in youth before menopause sets in, so that one can maintain healthy bones for lifetime. It may also slowdown the process of diminishing of bone which is a natural phenomenon, in woman.

(Dr. D D Tanna, Consultant Orthopoedic Surgeon;  Jaslok hospital, Saifee Hospital, H. N . Reliance Hospital and Bhatia hospital)

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