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Here's How You Can Move More And Sit Less: Rujuta Diwekar's Guide To Being More Active

No matter how strict or disciplined we are about our eating habits and exercising, it is all worthless if we are not active and constantly moving, says celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar.

Being physically active is crucial for our overall well-being

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Did you know? The main determinant to our health is not our body weight or how often we are exercising. It is how much we are sitting. Sitting is identified as an independent risk factor for most heart diseases and many other lifestyle diseases. As part of her latest post of Fitness Project 2018, celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar stresses on the importance of being active, over and above our daily routine of exercising. No matter how strict or disciplined we are about our eating habits and exercising, it is all worthless if we are not active.

An obvious, yet very crucial motive which goes neglected

Being active is something to which we don't pay much attention. The human body, says Rujuta, was meant to move constantly and not to sit as much. Our lifestyles have become more sedentary than ever, and laziness has unknowingly overpowered us. We are sitting while working, travelling or even watching TV. The urban and semi-urban communities are specifically inactive and it is high time that we bring a change to it.

Also read: 7 Dangerous Effects Of Being Physically Inactive

Apart from making us lazy and lethargic, sitting makes us more prone to risks of diseases like diabetes, hormonal imbalances, heart diseases and even death.

So here are a few simple steps as suggested by Rujuta, which will help us sit less and move more:

1) The first and foremost thing that we millennials in 9 to 5 jobs must incorporate is, standing for 3 minutes for every 30 minutes of sitting. We can work for those 3 minutes of standing, or talk to our colleagues or just do anything random. But standing for 3 minutes after every 30 minutes will make us more active.

2) While standing, avoid leaning on a wall or bending more towards one leg. Stand up at ease, with your weight properly distributed on the two feet.

3) Take stairs and say no to lifts and escalators, wherever possible. Climbing stairs is an important activity and an effective exercise as well. Also, make sure to climb 4 floors of stairs at once, at least once in a day.

Also read: Rujuta Diwekar Tells How Using Gadgets Will Not Let You Achieve A Flat Tummy

4) Another effective way of incorporating walking in our lifestyle is by parking cars or vehicles at a far distance from our house, work or any other destination. Rujuta says that we must park your vehicle at least 500 steps away from your destination. More importantly, do not use any gadgets to count these 500 steps, and count them in mind.

5) Once a week, incorporate the habit of walking in your neighbourhood, in a park or with children or grandparents. Walking is a great activity and is also helpful in building community bonds healthy for the environment.

6) At least once a week, try doing tasks which are done by domestic help or gadgets. For instance, we can wash your clothes, do the dishes, sweep our house, do regular dusting of the furniture, etc.

7) Rujuta mentions how surprising it is that men have been eating chapatti and rice all their lives, but are completely unaware of how to cook them. Hence, men should take up the practice of cooking at least once a week. It helps in building a nurturing environment at home - which plays an important role in our well-being.

Also read: Rujuta Diwekar Tells Us The Many Health Benefits Of Til (Sesame Seeds)

8) Last but not the least, walk 100 steps after having dinner. Many people are fond of going on walks at night after having dinner. It is a good way to be more active in life.

It is activity first and exercise later, which people must incorporate in their lifestyles. It helps in keeping ailments like back pain and depression at bay. Nonetheless, activity and exercise are important individually and cannot be a substitute for one another. 

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