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5 Pre-menopause Symptoms Every Woman Should Know

Menopause marks the end of your fertility period, it's when your biological clock chimes time up. Here are a few symptoms to identify early signs of menopause.

During this transition your periods will shorten and estrogen production from ovaries will drop
Women, you can rejoice about or lament the fact that your menstrual cycle will come to an end. That period, called the menopause will also mark the end of your fertility period, and it's when your biological clock chimes time-up. But before that period is another duration of transition where your periods will shorten and estrogen production from ovaries will drop. This is called the pre-menopause and it's important to know when it starts. There are measures you can take to avoid the effects of pre-menopause from worsening.

During this transition your periods will shorten and estrogen production from ovaries will drop
Photo Credit: iStock

Here are 5 symptoms to watch for that will tell you that your pre-menopause is starting!

1. Hot Flashes

These are periods of intense sweating, but different body types call for differences in the level of sweat. Hot flashes happen because during pre-menopause, the fall in your estrogen interferes with your body's ability to regulate temperature. This is the most common sign of pre-menopause with more than 75% women experiencing it. To prevent triggering them, cross out alcohol, caffeine and spicy foods from your diet. Also, consciously try to be less stressed.

2. Changing Moods

Blame the anger and irritability during your 40s to pre-menopause! Once again, a drop in estrogen may be the reason behind your mood swings. But irregular sleep may also contribute to it. You will be prone to depression because of the change in moods so be on guard for it.

3. Decline in Bone Health

Another problem due to the fall in estrogen will be a decline in the amount of calcium in your bones. So bone loss happens quicker during pre-menopause before your body can make up for it. To prevent a decrease in bone density or osteoporosis, add calcium supplement to your diet or switch to natural sources like dairy and dark leafy greens.

4. Vaginal Problems

Dryness and infection is common during the pre-menopause phase. As the estrogen production drops, vaginal tissues become less elastic and there's less natural lubrication. Sexual intercourse may become painful. In some cases, you may lose some control over your urinary sphincter, leading to involuntary leakage.

5. Irregular Periods

While many people already have inconsistent menstrual cycles, this problem worsens during pre-menopause. You may skip periods (cheers!) and ovulation will become unpredictable. While some people experience heavy flow, others have it lighter and the length of the period also varies.

These symptoms are common and simple lifestyle changes will help you get ahead of any difficulties.

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