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Snoring causes daytime sleepiness

People with sleep apnoea tire quickly because of the sleep interruptions they experience during the night

People with sleep apnoea tire quickly because of the sleep interruptions they experience during the night and loud snoring contributes to the problem.Snoring and sleepiness are known to be related, but there is no evidence supporting the usefulness of snoring measurements. Therefore, researchers from Japan objectively assessed the relationship between snoring and daytime sleepiness to find out whether snoring itself had harmful effects on health. The 515 patients with suspected sleep apnoea who underwent sleep studies (polysomnography) were assessed for sleepiness and snoring intensity.All levels of snoring intensity correlated with sleepiness measured in the standard scale but most pronounced in the loud snorers. The heaviest subjects tended to be the loudest snorers, but regardless of weight, snoring loudness itself was related to sleepiness. The degree of sleepiness reported by each individual was more closely related to snoring intensity than to the number of breathing interruptions experienced at night.The researchers concluded that snoring intensity was independently related to sleepiness in the sleep apnoea patients and may explain a part of sleepiness that cannot be fully explained by ordinary sleep studies.
Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine
December 2008

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