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Cubing potatoes good for kidney patients

Cubing potatoes before boiling them lowers the potassium content that is good for people with compromised kidney function.

Cubing or shredding potatoes and then boiling them, drains the vegetable of much of its potassium level that is good for kidney patients.Potassium is an important mineral that helps regulate the heartbeat, conduct nerve impulses and contract muscles. Most adults need 4,000 to 4,700 milligrams (mg) of potassium per day, with potatoes, tomatoes and bananas among the major sources. But individuals with compromised kidney function must minimise their potassium intake to prevent weakness, numbness and heart attack.To determine the effects of leaching and boiling on levels of potassium and other minerals in potato tubers, American researchers evaluated a few different potato preparations. In one test, they leached cubed potatoes by soaking them in water for hours; this tactic is often recommended to kidney patients as a way to drain potassium from potatoes before cooking them. In other testes, they boiled, baked and roasted the potatoes and then measured the potassium contents of the various preparations. It was found that leaching alone did not significantly reduced levels of potassium or other minerals in tubers. Boiling tuber cubes and shredded tubers decreased potassium levels by 50% and 75%, respectively. Reductions in mineral amounts following boiling were observed for phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, zinc, manganese, and iron. There was no difference between the leaching and boiling treatment and the boiling treatment. Baking, roasting and microwaving had minimal effects on potatoes' potassium content. The findings suggest that individuals wishing to maximize the mineral nutrition benefits of consuming potatoes should boil them whole or bake, roast, or microwave them. Those who must reduce potassium uptake should boil small pieces before consuming them.The findings are thus important for not only for the average consumer looking to get enough of the mineral but also for people with kidney impairment, who generally have to limit their potassium intake.
Journal of Food Science
June, July 2008

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