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Chinese herbs can complicate surgeries

Herbs used in some traditional Chinese prescriptions can cause complications if they are taken just before anaesthesia and surgery.

Herbs used in some traditional Chinese prescriptions can cause complications if they are taken just before anaesthesia and surgery. It has been found that certain herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine can impair blood clotting or lower blood pressure.Traditional herbs like liquorice, rehmannia, astragalus, atractylodes and eucommia have been found to be potentially harmful if taken in prescription form before surgery. Some reduce potassium in the blood, which could result in serious arrhythmia, or irregular heartbeat, if the person is given anaesthetic drugs. During surgery, because of the anaesthetic drugs given to the patients, it would make them more likely to develop arrhythmia. Researchers from the Chinese University's Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care surveyed 601 patients and found that 80 percent took over-the-counter traditional herbal soups and teas, 12 percent did not take any traditional herbal medicine, and 8 percent took prescribed herbal medicine. The patients underwent routine pre-surgery checks. Complications, such as prolonged bleeding and low blood potassium, were detected in those who took prescribed herbal medicine. It was found that patients taking TCHM (traditional Chinese herbal medicine) prescription were two times more likely to have an adverse event before surgery.The researchers recommend that patients should stop prescribed TCHM before surgery or at least inform their doctors that they are taking TCHM. The above results emphasised that over-the-counter herbal soups and tea were considered safe but herbs used in prescriptions are a lot more potent.
September 2006

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