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Cell phones unrelated to cancer, finds study

A study conducted in the US refutes the notion that cell phones are associated with an increased risk of developing brain cancer. The study carried out by the American Health Foundation and supported by a wireless technology company, appears in the recent edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association.The use of hand held cellular phones was found unrelated to the risk of brain cancer in the research project. The study which was conducted on 469 people with brain tumour and 422 people without the condition, who were regular users of cellular phones, concluded that there were no adverse effects on the brain from the short term use of cell phones. However, more research will have to be conducted to find out the effects with prolonged use. The study however studied the effects of analog signal phones and not digital signal ones, which are becoming more common in the West. Another reason why the study is largely inconclusive is that the use of cellular phones is a relatively recent phenomenon; most users have been using it for an average of 3 years, which is not enough time to conclusively prove its relation to brain cancer. The study was conducted in the wake of reports alleging that radiation emitted from cellular phones alters brain waves in a way to increase the risk of brain tumours. These speculations will only be put to rest when definite information is available substantiated with clinical studies.
December 20, 2000 (JAMA, 284:3001-3007)

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