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5 Effective Ways To Cure A Hangover

A hangover might need time to cure itself but these five remedies will help you to bear the process a lot better.

Hangover cure: Our best tips!
Almost all of us at a certain point of time downed too many drinks at once to have a fun night. But the real party killer is the severe headache you face the next morning. The physical assault comes in the form of headaches, dizziness, sleepiness and feeling confused and thirsty all the time. The symptoms are not just physical but also psychological, from feeling anxious and shameful to feeling depressed. After alcohol consumption a person urinates more, thus leaving the body dehydrated. It Generally a hangover cures itself with time but you can accelerate the process using the remedies mentioned below.

Painkillers - You can take certain painkillers like Aspirin to tackle the pain. Its anti-inflammatory ingredients will help you to bear the severe pain in a better manner. But avoid certain medicines like Tylenol or paracetamol as they attack the liver, which may not be ideal for your body at the time. Ask for medical assistance but don't cause yourself self-harm.

Ginger Helps - It helps in reducing nausea and vomiting. A research done by the National Institutes of Health show that consuming a combination of ginger, tangerine pith, and brown sugar before drinking decreases nausea and vomiting.

Sleep Is Necessary - Your body deserves some rest after such a wild night. Sleep does not cure hangover, true, but lack of it aggravates it. Keep water with you while you sleep and keep rehydrating yourself between the fits of sleep you'll get.

Rehydrate Yourself - Water is must to cure a hangover. It's the best way to rehydrate your body. And not just water, you need fluids which are electrolyte rich. Drink sports drinks and coconut water to enrich and improve your electrolyte balance.

Eat Toasts - A cracker or a toast help you battle nausea. They soak up the alcohol in our body and also help in boosting up your blood sugar levels. It eases up the effort and stress on your liver. The vomiting's won't stop, but you'll feel a lot better with some carbs in your body.

Also read: Hangover impairs judgment

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