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Exercise might aid asthma control

Adults whose asthma is not fully controlled by medication might gain some benefits from adding an exercise routine to their lives.

Adults whose asthma is not fully controlled by medication might gain some benefits from adding an exercise routine to their lives.

While exercise can trigger asthma symptoms in some people, there is also evidence that physically active asthmatics tend to have better overall asthma control than their sedentary counterparts. But whether that signals a benefit of exercise, per se, has been unclear. To study this, researchers from Canada recruited 36 sedentary adults with asthma symptoms that were only partially controlled. Nearly all were on medication, including, in many cases, drugs taken regularly to prevent asthma attacks. The researchers had 18 study participants go through three months of supervised exercise training, where they worked out aerobically three times per week - with activities like jogging, walking on a treadmill or pedaling on a stationary bike - and performed strengthening exercises once a week.

The exercisers then continued to work out on their own for another three months. The rest of the study participants served as a control group, maintaining their usual lifestyle habits.

After the initial three months, it was found that  the exercise group improved its average score on a standard questionnaire gauging asthma-symptom control - a change that moved the group from the category of relatively well-controlled to well-controlled. Similarly, the exercisers reported gains in a questionnaire on asthma-related quality of life - which measures, for example, how much a person's symptoms limit his or her daily activities or affect emotional well-being. The exercise group also maintained those gains over the three months of home workouts, whereas the control group's scores remained largely unchanged during the study period.

The researchers recommended that 30 minutes of aerobic exercise at a moderate to vigorous intensity on three days of the week can lead to significant improvements in asthma control. Still, exercise can trigger asthma symptoms in some people, and it is always advisable for sedentary people with major health conditions to get a doctor's OK before becoming active.

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