Home »  Living Healthy  »  Celebrity Trainer Vinod Channa Recommends The Tabata Workout For People Short Of Time

Celebrity Trainer Vinod Channa Recommends The Tabata Workout For People Short Of Time

Tabata workout includes high-intensity interval training which has more impact on both the aerobic and anaerobic systems.

Tabata technique of workout can be done at home as well

Story Highlights

Tabata training was discovered by Japanese scientist Dr. Izumi Tabata and a team of researchers from the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo.

Tabata and his team concluded in their research that high-intensity interval training has more impact on both the aerobic and anaerobic systems. This is because short interval between the exercises utilises maximum oxygen and gives you good intensity of workout at home. This cardio-based workout helps you burn more calories and improves your fitness levels.

How to perform Tabata training:

Tabata training is pushing yourself hard for 20 sec and rest for 10 sec and repeat for 4 minutes continuously, in which you can choose 1 exercise for 4minutes or combination of exercise for 4 minutes.

Example of Tabata workout

Here, we opting for a combination of 2 exercises in one set

1st set of 4 minutes

20 sec squat 10 sec rest, then immediately, 20 sec push up 10 sec rest. Repeat this continuously for 4 minutes.

After completion of 1st set, rest for 1 minute and then start the 2nd set.

2nd set of 4 minutes

20 sec lying down toe touch, 10 sec rest, then immediately, 20 sec burpees and 10 sec rest. Repeat this continuously for 4 minutes.

After completion of 2nd set, rest for 1 minute and then start the 3rd set.

3rd set of 4 minutes

20 sec lunges 10 sec rest, then immediately, 20 sec plank hold 10 sec rest. Repeat this continuously for 4 minutes.

These 3 sets complete your 12-minute workout schedule.

You can do any other exercise that works your large muscle groups like legs, back, chest.

You have to perform maximum repetition in correct form within 20 seconds and if you do not perform to it's full potential, then you are not following tabata routine. So perform maximum repetition in each set to reap maximum benefit.

Also, note that selection of workout is very important and quite challenging if you have desired target to achieve. Make sure that you are covering maximum body parts in the 12 minute of the schedule. 

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