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9 Weight Loss Tips You Should Follow Before Bedtime

If you think losing weight is all dieting and work out, you're extremely wrong! Just exercising and controlling your diet will get you nowhere if......

A stress-free sleep, induces weight loss too.

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If you think losing weight is all dieting and work out, you're extremely wrong! Just exercising and controlling your diet will get you nowhere if you don't get proper sleep. To burn more calories and lose weight, relaxing is as important an aspect. A stress-free sleep, induces weight loss too. So, if you are really serious about losing weight, include these simple tricks in your routine before bedtime and see yourself losing weight quicker than what just exercising will lead you to.

1. Drink Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has a lot of positive effects on the body. Not only it detoxifies the blood and treats acne, but it also helps to control our craving and lose weight. It lowers the blood triglycerides and aids in weight loss by lowering the glucose and insulin levels in the blood. If you drink apple cider vinegar regularly, you can also prevent over-eating. Mix one spoon of apple cider vinegar in 8 ounces of water and drink every night before sleeping.

apple cider

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2. Create a Routine

If you do the same thing again and again, every night before bedtime, you are training your mind for sleep triggers. You can start writing a journal, or eat cottage cheese to induce these triggers, so if you do them again, your brain is going to associate it with sleep and release hormones necessary for sleep and fast track you into fat-burning slumber.

3. Get into resistance training

Indulging in resistance training optimizes weight loss during sleep. Studies show that who performed resistance exercises enjoyed a higher resting metabolic rate for an average of 16 hours following their workout.

4. Sleep in a cold room

Sleeping in a cold room not only induces sleep faster but also helps to reduce belly fat while we sleep. Fat keeps you warm by helping us burn the fat stored in the body.

5. Take a shower

Taking a shower at night time has a lot of health benefits. It is good for a healthy skin and also for a deep slumber. The heat from the shower increases our body temperature, resulting in a quick drop in temperature when you get out and towel off. This dip helps relax your entire system.

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6. Switch off the lights

Sleeping with lights on prevents our chances of having a good night's sleep. Not only that but it also may increase your weight. The glow of nighttime phone light or computer screen might also prevent us from getting enough rest..

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7. Have some tea

A cup of tea before going to bed makes us relax and also help us burn some fat. Rooibos tea, especially is good for your belly as it contains Aspalathin. Research shows this compound can reduce stress hormones that trigger hunger and fat storage.

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8. Have sex

If you want to sleep better and lose more weight, you can also have more sex. It not only cuts out on our extra calories but also releases stress.

9. Keep the dinner small

Don't go to bed stuffed. When you eat a large meal before bed, your body will take more time to digest it. Your body is still working and this can make you sleep late and thus our body can't start it's fat burning process. It is advisable to eat your last meal at least an hour or two before going to bed to flatten your belly.

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