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5 Everyday Life Hacks For Chronic Lower Back Pain

Long work hours at the desk, neck hanging down deep engrossed in smart phones, slouching all leads to nothing but incorrect postures. If someone wants to relieve or prevent chronic lower back pain it is necessary to stretch and lower strengthen your core musculature.

Exercises for chronic lower back pain

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We depend on our back every single day. Long working hours, neck hanging down deep engrossed in smart phones, slouching all leads to nothing but incorrect postures. If someone is already experiencing back or spinal pain and pressure, becoming more aware of just how much you are leaning or sitting at an angle can help minimize any further damage. If someone wants to relieve or prevent chronic lower back pain it is necessary to stretch and strengthen your core musculature. Here are five life hacks that will improve your posture and help strengthen and straighten your spine.

Stretch: Despite our busy and hectic schedules it is very important that we stretch in order to strengthen our spine. Stretching in the morning is a great way to wake up. Some easy shoulder rolls, standing forward bends and full overhead stretch will be beneficial.

Sleep on the floor: If you suffer from back pain, you should not invest in latest orthopedic or pillow top mattresses. When you sleep on the ground, you intuitively find positions that can correct musculoskeletal imbalances causing lower back pain, knee pain, bunions and more.

Practice deep breathing: When we sit or slouch our diaphragm is constricted. Deep breathing is important not only for your spine but also your overall well-being. Deep breathing puts pressure on chest as you inhale and exhale. But when you are standing, you are able to breathe through the diaphragm, lengthening and expanding the spine and allowing the upper and lower back to expand.

Yoga: Yoga is widely used as a natural form of pain relief. Yoga poses are excellent for strengthening your back, shoulders, spine, and pelvis. They help in relaxing the stress muscles. Bridge pose, triangle pose, bow pose are some yoga asanas that help strengthen your spine.

Extension stretch: Lie down on your stomach on a mat with your legs fully extended behind you. Prop up your torso by resting your weight on your forearms, and position your hands so your palms are facing down on the mat. Feel the stretch in your back and abdominals and hold for 30 seconds. Perform this exercise two to four times a day.

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