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These Five Simple Things Could Ruin Your Relationship

Love at first sight or not, you'll be surprised how the little things can ruin your relationship. Read on to beat the hic-cups and obstacles in your love life.

It takes two to make it all work

Love is one of the most basic and essential emotions known to human beings. Something so special that connects two people without a blood-based relation can also be very fragile. Specially because it is based on mutual trust and appreciation. Relationships are not an innate desire or the outcome of destiny, rather they are a product of your upbringing and your lifestyle in adulthood. Failed relationships almost always happen for a reason you could change and can cause a lot of psychological anguish. It does not necessarily have to be a big fight always, sometimes the small things are enough to wreak havoc. To avoid malice from seeping in your relationship, you need to take care of certain aspects of your behavior. Take a look. 

1. Stop the Blame Games

You need to learn to apologize. When you acknowledge the fact that you might be wrong your partner will see how you're willing to correct yourself. It is not a game which you have to necessarily win, it is the participation which matters even if you end up losing.

2. Don't Hold Grudges

Don't take everything as a personal attack. Sometimes miscommunication is the biggest culprit. Hear out your partner's plea and then make judgments. Don't create heinous grudges based on fact-less assumptions.

3. Spend Time Together

Time is the best healer. Make space for each other. Your attention towards each other speaks volume about the faith in your relationship. Try to step out of your comfort zone once in a while and do something special for your partner. Remember quality always trumps quantity.

4. Don't be Manipulative

 Faith is the foundation stone of any relationship. If you don't believe each other there is not much scope in continuing to be together. Don't try to manipulate your partner's decisions or thoughts so that they align with your motives. It is these little things which pave way for big catastrophes.

5. Take Stand for Each Other

 Remember the musketeers - "all for one and one for all"? That should be your motto. Your partner counts on you to have their back, don't disappoint them. Love flourishes in solidarity and unity and hatred take birth where there is no trust.

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