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Young children can access earliest memories

Young children may have memories stretching back to late infancy, but these memories fade away as childhood proceeds.

Young children may have memories stretching back to late infancy, but these memories fade away as childhood proceeds.

Researchers asked 140 Canadian children aged 4 to 13 years to describe their three earliest memories, and approximate how old they were at the time the event happened. The children's parents confirmed the events and their timing. Some of the youngest children could recall memories from before 2 years of age.

However, these early life memories tended to get lost as children age. Two years later, the researchers asked the children the same questions. Overall, those who were 7 or younger when questioned the first time recalled different memories the second time around. In contrast, one-third of the 10- to 13-years old children described the same memory at both rounds of questioning. The researchers explain this as early memories of young children being fragile and vulnerable to forgetting.

Younger children's earliest memories seemed to change, with memories from younger ages being replaced by memories from older ages. But older children became more consistent in their memories as they grew older. In essence, as children grow up and lose memories of their early years, they are losing part of their childhood. So our 'psychological childhood' begins much later than our real childhood.

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