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Self-control makes adults successful

Children with the most self-control at three years become healthier, wealthier and more successful adults.

Children with the most self-control at three years become healthier, wealthier and more successful adults. And those with the least self-control at age three are more likely to drop out of school, break the law and struggle financially.

Researchers analysed data on 1,000 children born in New Zealand in 1972-1973 and tracked them until age 32 years. Their self-control was measured at various points starting at age 3 using assessments by teachers, parents and the children themselves.

It was found that children with high IQs raised in well-off families tended to have greater self-control. But even after accounting for intelligence and social class, children who had more self-control at age 3 went on to earn more money and have better health at age 32. Children with less self-control were more likely to adopt negative behaviour - to get pregnant as a teenager, to smoke, to become a single parent and to be unemployed.

Three-year-olds with little self-control were also more likely to have financial difficulties and poor health in adulthood.Medical exams and blood tests showed they had more gum disease and sexually transmitted diseases; were more likely to be overweight, have high cholesterol or high blood pressure and signs of inflammation; and were more likely to be addicted to cigarettes, alcohol and drugs.

A similar link was found between self-control at age 5 and later success.Using data on 500 pairs of identical twins in Britain, it was found that the sibling with lower self-control scores at age 5 was more likely to smoke, perform poorly in school and engage in antisocial behaviours at age twelve.

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