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Health Impact Of Children Getting Hooked To Smart Devices

A number of studies have strongly linked declined cognitive development with prolonged exposure to smart devices.

Some kids spend over 7 hours a day playing games on tablets and smart phones

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Let's face it, smart devices have occupied an important place in our lives, and an even more important one in the lives of our kids. With time an increased number of kids have started getting hooked to smart devices. This has become an inescapable reality of our world. To some extent, it is beneficial for kids. But beyond that, it has serious negative impacts on the health of our kids. A number of studies have strongly linked declined cognitive development with prolonged exposure to smart devices.

Studies show that some kids spend over 7 hours a day playing games on tablets and smart phones. It gets worse, kids as young as two years play games on smart devices regularly, and by smart devices we mean touch-screen devices. This way, such kids end up damaging their still-developing brain. From building focus to the ability to understanding human behaviors, all abilities get harmed in this process. And it does not end here. There are a number of ways by which screen time impacts the health of our children. Listed below are the top 4 ways by which kids getting hooked to smart devices is unhealthy.

1. It interferes with their brain development

A child's brain develops at a very quick pace during his/her first year of life, it grows by 300%! During the first year, allowing your kids to play with three dimensional items like a ball is a way of teaching them a number of things, like sense of touch, movement, dimensions and so much more. The child learns how to hold the ball and learns that it is not something that can be eaten. But providing your kid with a smart device at such a young age would rob him/her from these learning experiences.

2. The ability to talk gets delayed

Hearing the word, 'Mom' and 'Dad' from your child is one blissful feeling. The best way of getting your kids to talk is by spending time with them, interacting with them and talking to them. They learn facial expressions, sounds, voices and eventually understand body language. These complex things together get your child to talking to you. Answer honestly, is these any smart device or screen in the world which could replace the sheer joy of human interaction?

3. Screen time could reduce the number of words your child learns

When a parent talks to a child, he/she uses as many as 940 words. Now try the same with the television on. This time you would use only 770 words. As a result, your child learns lesser words.

4. Your child's physical and mental growth get affected

Research shows that a sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle impacts the physical and mental growth of a teenager. Watching TV for more than 2 hours a day is bad for a teenager's physical fitness, self-esteem and academic achievement.

Photo Credit: iStock

And what's the solution?

Simple solution is reducing screen time for kids. That's it. But it will be useful if you begin with certain rules about screen time. If you hand over a smart phone or tablet to your kids at a young age, they will not be at fault in future. So set limits right in the beginning for the sake of your kid's health. 

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