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'Slap Bet' Video Of Noida School Goes Viral: Parents, Dont Raise Your Child To Be A Bully

For parents, they need to understand that it is more important to save your child from becoming a bully rather than protecting them against bullies.

Do not give your children a cell phone at a young age

Story Highlights

In a video that emerged on social networking sites on Thursday, a student of Pathways School in Noida is seen getting slapped by another student. The school authorities claim that they have taken action and the incident was not of bullying but ‘consensual peer slap bet’.

Cell phones and bullying are closely related. Where these mobile phones are your means to communicate, they are also a way to present the “cooler you”! But is this really true? Does bringing someone down take you at a higher stature? Well it doesn’t. If this was the criteria for being successful, our world would be ruled by bullies altogether. Social media platforms like Facebook and snapchat have become a place where you can showcase how ‘strong’ you are or you can be.

Do not offer cell phones at a young age
Photo Credit: istock

The video involves four students, including the victim and one student is filming the incident and uses terms like “Snapchat story.” The parents of the victim reported that their child has been traumatized mentally and emotionally and was not given first aid by the school. It has also been claimed that the victim suffered 25% loss of hearing. 

Do not offer cell phones at a young age
Photo Credit: istock

The school principal reported, “Mobile phones are a menace. They have become an instrument for bullying and recording unsavoury material. These phones are bought by the parents for their children and are registered in a parent’s name. When something goes wrong and these videos become viral, why should the child be the only person to be blamed? The accountability and responsibility also lies with parents who provide them such devices.”

These mobile phones have become an instrument to display ‘strength’. Giving mobile phones to kids at a young age should not be promoted. Sometimes you do not realize when you just turned your child into a bully while your purpose to offer them a phone was to enhance communication. It just gets worse when these cell phones reach school premises. For parents, they need to understand that it is more important to save your child from becoming a bully rather than protecting them against bullies. 

School director, Dr Shalini said, “Three boys have been suspended from school — the one who slapped for one month and two others who assisted for two weeks. The boys will make a public apology in front of everyone. They will reflect on their learning from this. They have all written letters of apology to the boy and his parents.”

Tips for parents: Take steps to stop bullying

1. Start early - it is essential to talk to your child. Teach kids to respect others before they start school and continue to talk about this topic on an ongoing basis. The smallest of acts to stop teasing should be discouraged.
2. Teach your child to be assertive - Encourage your child to express his feelings clearly, say no when they feel uncomfortable or pressured, stand up for themselves without fighting and walk away in dangerous situations.
3. Stop bullying when you see it - do not be quiet when you see bullying happening. This makes things worse.
4. Support children who speak up - it isn't easy for a child to discuss bullying with an adult.  If a child comes to you seeking assistance with bullying, spend time listening to them and give support.  
5. Look for signs of depression - children who experience persistent bullying can develop signs of depression like sadness, isolation, poor concentration and sleeping problems. Many children do not recognize or speak up about their emotional needs. Make sure to reach out and get them help when you see these signs.
6. Tell your child to take action when they see acts of bullying - tell them to speak out against the bully and inform a teacher if the behavior doesn’t stop. Bullying continues only when we allow it to.

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