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World Breastfeeding Week: Best Position To Hold Your Child While Breastfeeding

On World Breastfeeding Week, know the best posture to correctly breastfeed your baby.

World Breastfeeding Week: Best position while breast feeding is the one where both are comfortable

Breast feeding is beneficial for both the mother and child.It is a natural act and needs patience and practice. As such there are no specific rules to feed the baby. The best posture is the one where the mother and baby are relaxed and comfortable. Some important things to keep in mind while feeding the baby are supporting the breasts, supporting the body and relaxed while nursing There are four basic positions of how to breast feed your child and they are cradle, cross-cradle, side-lying and football position. Let's observe the World Breastfeeding Week and read the following:

Cradle Position: This is a common position for babies who can easily latch. Sit with baby lengthwise across the abdomen with your elbow supporting his head and hand supporting his bottom. The other hand of the mother should support the breast. Some mothers prefer this position when the baby is at least one month old, when his neck and muscles are strong.

Cross-cradle hold: This position is best for infants. In this position, it is advisable that the mother should feed the baby on the left breast. She should use her right arm and hand to support the baby and left hand should support the baby.

Side Lying: This is very comfortable for both the mother and child. The mother makes the baby lie on her side. One hand should be behind the baby's back and bottom in order to bring him closer. It is important that the mother should keep her hips and back in a straight line. You could also take the help of several pillows to support your shoulders.

Football Position: As the name suggests, in this position the mother tucks the baby between her arm and side like a football or handbag. The mother should use her forearm to support his upper back.

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